
it's time this blog came back alive,we made up,so why not,facebook atill works,but from today,i might constant update,so ciao :)


...it's time i face my own failure...i couldn't do anything 2 control my own emotions...i realized now,that we could only be friends,but now,it's all too late...this is e last time i will be posting,i dun 1 2 be reminded of e past ever...everything that happened e past few months,i will delete it from my memories,n start a new life...thanx,everyone,4 your care n concern through this hardest period of my life,i will be fine...


wow,time flies,n it's already o levels mother tongue tomorrow...it's been quite a while since i have seen him since our last quarrel,n i'm just posting an apology;i'm sorry,n good luck 4 your o levels...all e best 2 all my beloved friends...


wow,i finally found time 2 update again...anyways,e bbq on thursday was a blast,cos we had a very weird squid on e bbq pit,cos we found a fish inside!!!n taz unknowingly bit into e thing n e thing was like so eewwwwww...i very nearly vomitted...but never mind,at least we had fun back @ e hotel room i rented...pillow fight!!!that's all,i will post again after my boring weekends...


finally,i'm done preparing our next blaze,just hope summer wun make any mistakes on her part...crystal improved a lot on that keyboard,n sweetie's doing well on his as well,so i mustn't lose 2 them,every1,jia you!!!n taz' birthday coming soon,think get him e newest camcorder,he will jump in joy...lastly,wishing all crescentians,good luck 4 all their much anticipated results:)


wow,time flies when u r having fun,it's already near 2 our next performance,n 4 all crescentians,we won e friendly last saturday!!!as usual,lily was still acting cool,but they admitted defeat,so i was thinking,any more challenges,bring it on!!!with all e members of our rock band,there's no way we will ever lose to any1,so rock on,fire butterflies!!!XD


2day was a disaster in school,but it cheers me up that i have been receiving lotsa responses on this blog...any ways,this post is just 2 tell some people that they shouldn't leave comments impersonating sweetie,n good luck 2 all crescentians 4 e upcoming performances:)